We're finally starting to see a little bit of spring in the air. The trees are budding, all my seedlings are sprouting, and construction has already on our road. It's going to be an interesting summer with the roads around our house getting completely ripped up and redone.
At least I have pretty green things growing inside! |
I've been hard at work on the first of the Fantasy Art Scarves series, the Winged Wolf. I ended up pinching a nerve in my hand, so I had to take a few days off to rest up and dive back in! About 1/5th the way done, I'm hoping I'll have it finished by the end of next week (barring any other hand failures).

Now for something a bit different. If you've followed me on any of my blogs or social media sources, you know that I've been trying to do a Kickstarter for a while. I've wanted to Kickstart a few different projects, mainly books or illustration series. However, a new crowdfunding platform called Patreon recently opened up. Patreon is a bit different in that it is not a lump donation towards a single project, but instead allows for month donations to give the creator ongoing funds for smaller projects. This is perfect for me, as I'm doing a lot of knitting patterns and illustrations while still working on the 15 or so books I've laid out. The funds I raise through Patreon will go towards supplies, mainly yarn and art supplies such as pencils, markers, and paper.
You can sign up to give as little as a $2 monthly donation to get
behind-the-scenes sneak peeks at what I'm creating, including progress on work in progress charts. Higher tiers equal more
rewards, including dragon illustrations, art prints, the chance to vote on upcoming projects, and raffles for free patterns and
finished knitted pieces.
Check out my Patreon page here - http://www.patreon.com/TaniaRichter
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